Halo 3 Launch Party
Although the Halo 3 launch party was an hour's drive from school, a few friends and I decided to go. It was only one of four locations in the United States to be doing an event of this stature. We got there roughly 5:30pm even though things didn't kick off until 9pm, just to be on the safe side. We were about 30 people back in a line that was estimated at up to 1,200 people (I believe I read) by the end of the night. It was a lot more fun than expected to say the least. I was interviewed by local radiostations and newspapers, and even by G4, the videogame channel. I got a ton a free stuff: t-shirts, a calender, a book, posters, a hat, and an inflatable chair (with speakers for an mp3 player!) to name a few. There were also some local celebs I had the pleasure of meeting. You may have heard of them: Hall of Famer Warren Moon, and Bill...Freakin'...Gates. It's probably safe to say I will never shake the hand of someone more famous than he. At the end of the night I met a ton of people from Bungie, the company who is responsible for all three Halo's. I'll work on getting some of my own photos up. For the time being I've posted a few I've found floating around the internet. I'll also work on finding any G4 video clips I might be in.
Bill Gates gamin' it up
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It looks everybody is enjoying the party tonight.
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