To keep up with all the emails and promotional albums, Dance Hall Hips will be gaining new writers in the month to come. Due to this, I will be switching over to Wordpress. Other than that, nothing will a bad way.
My Data BusT
I've been hosting my mp3's on a site called Mydatabus. Today they decided to email me informing me my free account is no longer available because they're getting rid of all the non-pay accounts. Basically, they're deleting my account if I'm unwilling to pay. Another case of money gettin' the best of someone. I'll try and scrounge some money up. I'm just hoping I can host direct downloads if I pay so that they'll start showing up on HypeMachine again. I'll keep you updated. For now, I can't upload any new files. Enjoy...not having anything new.-DHH
Posted by Dance Hall Hips at 6:38 PM 3 comments

Letter from Jonny Greenwood via Dead Air Space:
Hello everyone.
Well, the new album is finished, and it's coming out in 10 days;
We've called it In Rainbows.
Love from us all.

In Rainbows will be released on October 10th as a digital download and on December 3rd for the special edition extended "discbox." Here's the tracklist:
1. 15 Step
2. Bodysnatchers
3. Nude
4. Weird Fishes / Arpeggi
5. All I Need
6. Faust Arp
7. Reckoner
8. House of Cards
9. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10. Videotape
You can allegedly download the above tracks for FREE (or choose how much you want to pay/donate).
Althought we've all been waiting for this for years, this release came out of nowhere. WOW!!!
Hello everyone.
Well, the new album is finished, and it's coming out in 10 days;
We've called it In Rainbows.
Love from us all.

In Rainbows will be released on October 10th as a digital download and on December 3rd for the special edition extended "discbox." Here's the tracklist:
1. 15 Step
2. Bodysnatchers
3. Nude
4. Weird Fishes / Arpeggi
5. All I Need
6. Faust Arp
7. Reckoner
8. House of Cards
9. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10. Videotape
You can allegedly download the above tracks for FREE (or choose how much you want to pay/donate).
Althought we've all been waiting for this for years, this release came out of nowhere. WOW!!!
Posted by Dance Hall Hips at 8:04 PM 2 comments
The Warlocks

The Warlocks - "Zombies Like Lovers"
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The Warlocks - "Zombies Like Lovers"
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Warlock. Sound like a D&D character? Probably. Perhaps a nerd's dream Halloween costume? Definitely. Actually, the Warlocks are amazing pseudo/semi/sort of/kind of/maybe offspring of the Brian Jonestown Massacre. They're a great jam band, usually in the vain of the Velvet Underground, but with their latest release Heavy Deavy Skull Lover, they've moved closer to the Jesus & Mary Chain, and a whole lot of My Bloody Valentine is in there too. This track in particular also has a taste of early ...And You Will Know. Check out the song "Zombies Like Lovers", and be sure to pick up the album when it drops on October 23rd.
Posted by Dance Hall Hips at 12:25 AM 39 comments
Remix & Mashup

Just found a great remix and an even better mash-up, both involving the Shins.
The Shins - "Australia (Peter Bjorn & John Remix)"
The Shins vs. Rich Boy - "Throw Some Seas"
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-This is amazing...Enough said.
The Shins vs. Rich Boy - "Throw Some Seas"
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-This is amazing...Enough said.
Posted by Dance Hall Hips at 5:54 PM 19 comments
Mixes Ain't Sh*T: Vol. 4
I'm playing major catch up with emails and promotion. What's the best way to expose a ton of artists in a small amount of time? Another mix. These are my favorite tracks I have recieved the past month:
Posted by Dance Hall Hips at 1:26 PM 1 comments
Halo 3 Launch Party

Although the Halo 3 launch party was an hour's drive from school, a few friends and I decided to go. It was only one of four locations in the United States to be doing an event of this stature. We got there roughly 5:30pm even though things didn't kick off until 9pm, just to be on the safe side. We were about 30 people back in a line that was estimated at up to 1,200 people (I believe I read) by the end of the night. It was a lot more fun than expected to say the least. I was interviewed by local radiostations and newspapers, and even by G4, the videogame channel. I got a ton a free stuff: t-shirts, a calender, a book, posters, a hat, and an inflatable chair (with speakers for an mp3 player!) to name a few. There were also some local celebs I had the pleasure of meeting. You may have heard of them: Hall of Famer Warren Moon, and Bill...Freakin'...Gates. It's probably safe to say I will never shake the hand of someone more famous than he. At the end of the night I met a ton of people from Bungie, the company who is responsible for all three Halo's. I'll work on getting some of my own photos up. For the time being I've posted a few I've found floating around the internet. I'll also work on finding any G4 video clips I might be in.
Bill Gates gamin' it up

Posted by Dance Hall Hips at 3:31 PM 5 comments
The Beatles & My First Born

First off, saw Across the Universe last night; huge disappointment. Great, great idea...executed poorly. The main actor's voice was terrific but I just had to cringe at some of the other renditions. Bono's take on "I Am The Walrus" was pretty cool, though. I wasn't really diggin' the whole Janis Joplin-esque character (who butchered "Helter Skelter"), besides her 'harder' takes on some songs like "Why Don't We Do It In The Road". Watching this brought me back a longing I've had for some time. One I would give up my first born son for. Or atleast a body part of some kind. That being a hard rock Beatles album, in the style of "Helter Skelter" "I Want You", "Revolution" etc. It is a reoccuring fantasy that this album is locked up somewhere waiting to see the light of day. I suppose if we're talking first born I better ask for a double-album. Let's call it The Black Album, shall we?
Posted by Dance Hall Hips at 9:22 PM 30 comments
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